Tagung: Supersonix Conference 2012 (SLSA Europe)

Supersonix Conference, London, 21.–23. Juni 2012

Society of Literature, Science and the Arts Europe,
Exhibition Road Cultural Group London.

A partnership with the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Europe, the Supersonix conference will bring together 300 artists, scientists and practitioners in the field of sonic art and science.

It will lead academic and mainstream public audiences on a journey through sound via experiments, lectures, workshops and interactive technology, encouraging the broadest audiences to experience London’s cultural heartland in a new way, through the shared theme of sound.

Ein detailliertes Programm wird im Laufe des Februars auf der Tagungswebseite http://www.exhibitionroad.com/supersonix/conference veröffentlicht werden.


Tagungsort & Termin:

Exhibition Road
London SW7
21 to 23 June 2012